
Dear guests, we are starting to book for the ski season, let us  warmly invite you.

Privat Bachledova dolina, Ždiar

Dear guests, if you are looking forstay for a smaller or larger group of people, peaceful surroundings with wonderful views, pleasant accommodation with comfortable rooms, a fully equipped kitchen and a place for shared relaxation while maintaining the privacy of all participants, you are in the right place.

Welcome! With us you will find

5 comfortable rooms (4x TV, 4 bathrooms with toilets) for 1-16 guests, large common room with TV, fireplace, kitchen, dining room and children's corner and many other advantages that will surely make your stay more pleasant

 Let us introduce our offer (price list):

Ground floor

On the ground floor of the Privat Bachledova dolina  you will find a family room (two rooms connected by a shared bathroom and toilet, TV/SAT) and another room with its own bathroom, toilet and TV.


In the attic of the Privat Bachledova dolina you will find two separate rooms (each with a TV and a private bathroom with toilet) and a handy, fully equipped kitchenette.

Výhody pre ubytovaných

Všetko pre Váš dokonalý pobyt

Užite si pobyt v v útulných izbách, oddýchnite si v príjemnej, podomácky zariadenej spoločenskej miestnosti s teplom krbu,  načerpajte energiu v priľahlej záhrade pri dobrom pivku či kotlíkovom guláši.

Všetko pre Vašich najmenších

U nás nájdete všetko potrebné pre tých najmenších a najdôležitejších: detský kútik s množstvom hračiek a kníh, športový či golfový kočík k zapožičaniu, detskú postieľku, jedálenské stoličky pre deti, hneď pri dome pieskovisko i hojdačky.

We would like to invite you for a holiday in Bachledova dolina. Privat Bachledova dolina offers you quality accommodation throughout the year

You will find us at the end of the Bachledova Valley, 1 minute by car from the Ski&Sun Bachledka or Treetop Walk slopes.

If you would like to check the availability of free dates or get more information, feel free to contact us or write to us.

Contact us

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Check the availability of free dates or get more information before your arrival


Ubytovanie v Bachledovej doline

Privat Bachledova dolina Vám ponúka celoročné ubytovania v Bachledovej doline. Možnosť prenajať ako celý objekt,  ako samostatné apartmány na dvoch podlažiach alebo po samostatných izbách